
Overworked? Stressed? Take Control

You never know what is round the corner. Life can throw something at you, that takes you off course and actually puts things in perspective. We are here for a relatively short time, so we should make the most of it, whilst we can.

No one should live to work…but work to live. Yet, many of us, become engrossed in our jobs and take our eyes off the ball as to all the other things in our life that are crucially important. Our family, our friends, our health – both mental and physical.  So how can we get the equilibrium right?

It might help to set boundaries: strict work hours, turning off notifications after a certain time, and using tools that help manage and prioritise tasks, such as Microsoft OneNote and Google Keep.

Don’t hesitate to say no sometimes. Saying no can be tricky, but it's crucial for maintaining balance. Be clear and concise. You don’t need to over-explain or apologise excessively. For example, try something like, “I’m currently focusing on other projects, so I can’t take this on right now.”

Also, suggest alternatives. If you can't do something, recommend someone who might be able to. It shows that you’re still being helpful. Most importantly, stick to your boundaries. Consistency reinforces your availability and limits. Practice makes it easier.

You should also have an open conversation you’re your line manager. Sometimes they might not even realise how much they're piling on you. Expressing your concerns clearly and suggesting possible solutions can make a difference. Balancing professional dedication with personal wellbeing is essential for sustained productivity. It's not just about managing tasks; it's about managing relationships and expectations too.

Stress can feel relentless. One place to start might be with mindfulness and relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises or short, guided meditations. They can do wonders, many can be found on YouTube. Physical activity, even just a walk, is great for clearing your mind. Setting small, achievable goals rather than trying to tackle everything at once can also make your workload feel less overwhelming. Also, making time for hobbies or socialising can create a balance and help you focus on other things.

Your time and mental health are invaluable. Get in touch to see how we can help with mindset and also tools to make your job easier at
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